Assisted Courses at the Dept. of Linguistics at Boğaziçi Uni. (2020 - 2023)
Responsibilities: Preparing and grading assignments (~4 in a semester depending on the course), running weekly problem sessions, holding office-hours, proof-reading exam material, proctoring in exams, running the Moodle page of the course etc.
Spring 2023
Morphology (80 students), Inst: Mine Nakipoğlu syllabus
Syntax & Semantics of Modern Turkish (68 students), Inst: Balkız Öztürk syllabus
Fall 2022
Introduction to Language and Linguistics I (75 students), Inst: Mine Nakipoğlu syllabus
Linguistic Methodology (50 students), Inst: Ümit Atlamaz syllabus
Advanced Syntax (24 students), Inst: Ümit Atlamaz syllabus
Spring 2022
Morphology (65 students), Inst: Mine Nakipoğlu syllabus
Introduction to Language and Linguistics I (70 students), Inst: Pavel Logačev syllabus
Fall 2021
Linguistic Methodology (50 students), Inst: Pavel Logačev syllabus
Phonology & Morphology of Modern Turkish (180 students), Inst: Metin Bağrıaçık syllabus
Summer 2021
- Special Topics in Neurolinguistics (50 students), Inst: Seçkin Arslan syllabus
Spring 2021
Syntax & Semantics of Modern Turkish (70 students), Inst: Ümit Atlamaz syllabus
Morphology (75 students), Inst: Mine Nakipoğlu syllabus
Fall 2020
Introduction to Language and Linguistics I (100 students), Inst: Kadir Gökgöz syllabus
Phonology & Morphology of Modern Turkish (130 students), Inst: Metin Bağrıaçık syllabus
Spring 2020
- Introduction to Language and Linguistics I (70 students), Inst: Ömer Demirok syllabus
Assisting a class at the Turkish Language and Culture Program at Boğaziçi Uni. (Summer 2022)
Responsibilities: TAing the Advanced Turkish course (8 students) by doing LAB sessions 2 hours a week, holding conversation hours 3 hours a week, grading assignments, proof-reading exams, proctoring in exams, sharing course material and announcements (in class and on Google Classroom), keeping attendance etc.